Jose Monge - Portfolio


Hi, I'm
Jose Monge

Welcome to my portfolio site!

I'm a digital developer  from Costa Rica ready for the mission! Formerly, worked as embedded software engineer, but after 2020 decided to become a self-taught web developer.

Contact me
Jose Monge, Developer

Meet the developer

Although I initially studied electronics/electrical engineering and worked on firmware development on embedded devices using C/C++ and other scripting languages, I've become very comfortable with full stack web development technologies since I decided to broaden my professional skills towards software engineering, mostly with the MERN stack and Next.js framework. I have some mild experience with Python(Django and Flask) and PHP (Laravel) for personal projects as well. I like ocassionally practicing with short coding challenges on HackerrankCodewars and Frontend Mentor to keep these skills sharp. If you would prefer to check my personal projects or frontend templates I've built you can see them on Gitlab or Github. So my working experience is mostly on the embedded development side, but I offer these projects and practices as evidence of some of my skills as project based experience.

Jose Monge, Developer

My Projects




A url shortener app that allows the user to create links anonymously (without account) or with an account. To handle authentication I used Next Auth in the frontend. I left the backend intentionally unsecured, so in the future I might move this app to a different cloud service which will probably be part of a VPC, kubernetes cluster, private network, or such. Just like the Sadhana and Bugoscope, the backends are written using Express and are running as serverless functions on Vercel.

E-Commerce Sadhana


E-Commerce Sadhana

Sadhana is an e-commerce built using Next/React on the frontend and Express on the backend. Users authenticate using JWT tokens (server cookie) and persist data fecthed from API using Redux for state management. It shares the API with an admin panel. Uses Stripe as a payment processor and the checkout API. Products, users, orders are stored in the database using MongoDB.




Bugoscope is a React/RTK query and SCSS bug tracker app for the frontend and just like Sadhana, Express and MongoDB are used in the backend for the API features. The application's backend uses JWT tokens (access token and refresh token) to authorize the user's access to the account. There are multiple roles with different levels of permissions on certain app features. In general it's a medium sized app that covers the most important concepts on a full stack web app.




DeFinder is an cryptocurrencies information dashboard made using React and Redux-Toolkit Query. The UI has been built using Ant Design library components and the fetched APIs are from RapidAPI. The price charts use Chart.js library. Also, Typescript and custom hooks were implemented to improve code reusability.

Frontend Mentor sample templates (static)




This app is a pomodoro timer that runs on different intervals and sounds an alarm after running out of time.

Landing page


Landing page

Sunnyside landing page is a colorful page made using Astro that shows a nice use of grid and flexbox in CSS.


Multi-page website


Multi-page static site using Astro and several SVG graphics.

Base Apparel


Base Apparel

Static widget showing the use of SVG and masking to achieve nice colors and textures.

My Explored Skills

Tech Stack

Material UI
Chakra UI
Styled Components
Vue 3
Nuxt 3

About Jose

Ever since he was a teenager when he decided to learn to code on Visual Basic 6.0 with help from his uncle, he has considered software development, not only as a skill, but as his passion. He has an interest on self-learning and self-development that takes very seriously, and is constantly looking out for new interesting technologies.

On his free time Jose plays the guitar, listens either LoFi beats or trance music, walking around the city for some cardio and likes learning new recipes for his cooking skills. He likes reading about new Physics and scientific discoveries and making experiments with his Arduino. Finally, from time to time he likes playing on the computer.

Jose Monge, Developer

Contact form

Send me a message, I will answer back shortly

You can also contact me on social media or see my work

San José, Costa Rica. August, 2023.